We’re excited to share our curated playlists for Spotify, a popular music streaming platform that millions of listeners worldwide love. Our playlists are carefully crafted to provide you with a unique and enjoyable listening experience. Whether you’re looking for new music or you want to dive in and discover even more carefully crafted playlists, we’ve got it! Sit back and let our curators take you on a musical journey.
We hope you enjoy our playlists as much as we enjoy creating them.
Ease into the day during this slow but steady rise to the beat—our newest playlist.
Tumbleweeds of Panic
Interpretations of the Wild West through modern songs. Part blazing and part spaghetti.
Harmonious Happenings
An inspirational and truly breathtaking set of under the radar post modern jazz — from the 60s spiritual to the now.
Top 25 Albums of 2023
We’ve listened to way too many albums this year, and while we agree there are over 100 albums released that we love, these are our top 25 this year.
Down Under New Wave
Australia should always be included in serious rock n roll conversations. Here are ten bands we admire from the 1980s and early 90s.
From Japan
A variety of under-the-radar music from the land of the rising sun. Past and present music from Japan.
Up There
A look above for inspiration.
Unusual Holiday Hoots
Zany and odd tunes just in time for the holiday season. Rated PG-13.